21st century soft skills for teachers in VET
Nowadays European economies are driven by globalization, development of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the diversity of values in society. Future is becoming more and more unpredictable in a wide variety of areas. Students, who are at schools now, should learn to live in a world that is constantly changing and in the future be prepared unprecedented economic, political, social and cultural environment.

21st century soft skills that had been marked up by global organization Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in the international strategic document ‘Directorate for education and skills’ is prioritized to support educators by improving their soft skills that is required in VET programs and by involved parts to support them in acquiring and developing these skills and key competences on basis of vocational education and training learning.

Teachers are working in a fast changing environment, that most precisely can be described by a quote that has been widely shared on social media. It says, teachers “are currently preparing students for jobs and technologies that don’t yet exist, in order to solve problems that we don’t even know are problems yet.”
To face the unknown, it’s identified that certain soft skills are needed to be developed through the education process.

What is needed from teachers?

How can they support development of the skills, which they learn about from methodical materials? 
‘21st century soft skills for teachers in VET’-project aims to train and educate teachers in vocational education and training institutions, prepare them so that they are ready for working with most essential 21st century soft skills during their classes with their students.

Partners will develop a training course for VET-teachers based on research done with teachers, students and employers on key skills to be acquired. 

Project activities will include professional development of VET educators so they are able to support effective 21st century soft skill learning. 

This is an project under Erasmus+

Project name: 21st century soft skills for teachers in VET
Project number: 2020-1-LV01-KA202-077561      
Coordinator: Riga Technical School of Tourism and Creative Industry
Partners: FU International Academy Tenerife, ROC van Amsterdam / MBO College Airport
Duration: 01/09/2020 – 31/08/2022

More information? Mail mbocollegeairport@rocva.nl

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