The 21st-century soft skills for teachers in VET - an update
In this project, we focussed on those soft skills, European teachers need, in order to be able to support their students while facing all the daily new challenges that the fast-changing professional environment offers them.
We started by defining the 5 most essential soft skills for teachers. The list of 21st-century soft skills defined by the Global Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in the international strategic document ‘Directorate for education and skills’ served as a starting point for the research.
This became quite a thorough analysis based on a broad survey on teachers, students and company workers (for more details about the way of inquiring, please contact

After analysing and comparing the results of the survey, these are the 5 skills that turned out to be the most chosen ones:
1. Initiative
2. Creative thinking
3. Innovation
4. Collaboration
5. Self-reflection

After that, the three partners in this project (Latvia, Spain and the Netherlands) started to dig into each and every one of the skills, in order to develop a teachers’ training, meant to be free for all teachers in Europe (and outside!).

Project name: 21st-century soft skills for teachers in VET
Project number: 2020-1-LV01-KA202-077561
Coordinator: Riga Technical School of Tourism and Creative Industry
Partners: FU International Academy Tenerife, ROC van Amsterdam-Flevoland / MBO College Airport
Duration: 01/09/2020 – 31/08/2022 postponed to 31/12/2022

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