International Marketing & Communication Specialist

Marketing & Communication Specialist - 25727

Bilingual education / Tweetalige opleiding

The duration of this course depends on your prior education, your commitment and your development. 
MBO College Amstelland
Maalderij 37, Amstelveen
2-3 jr.
aug 2025
BOL 25727
MBO College Hilversum
Arena 301, Hilversum
2-3 jr.
aug 2025
BOL 25727

Will this profession suit you?

Are you interested in the marketing and communications field? Are you internationally oriented and fluent in English? Do you like working in teams? And are you proactive and determined? If you identify with these qualities, then choose the International Marketing & Communication Specialist course! 

What will the course be like?

International Marketing & Communication Specialist is a full-time bilingual program. Your lessons are taught in English and in Dutch. The program consists of two years of training and internship. The exact duration of this course depends on your prior education, commitment, and development. It is possible to choose a three year program. The English program consists of Marketing Units from BTEC.  
The subjects 
Many of our lecturers have a background in international business. For example in finance, retail, marketing and communications. We also work in close cooperation with local, national and international businesses. This guarantees that the content of the program is relevant.  

You will start by carrying out customer research. Through this you will gain the following knowledge:  
  • Different types of customers and their preferences 
  • How your products and services can be brought to the attention of people  
  • Ways to inform and surprise your customer to attract business  
You will also learn how to write marketing plans and copy for folders or websites. During the course you will organize a business event. In your final year you will start a small business.  
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What will you learn?

  • How to do market research 
  • Everything about digital marketing 
  • How to develop creative promotional resources 
  • How to be an event manager 
  • The basics of business finance 
  • The basics of human resources
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Where will you be able to work?

  • Internationally oriented companies 
  • PR and Marketing agencies
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Praktische informatie

Useful information

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This is a specific program within the regular course. You will have to meet certain entry requirements to be admitted to this program. Do you not meet these requirements? Then you can enrol in the regular course. For the regular course the following requirements apply: 
  • A document that shows you have passed year 3 of your higher general or pre-university secondary school.  
  • To be successful in this course, we recommend a pass mark of 7 for English. 
>> More information about the requirements 

Introductory activities
This course requires you to participate in certain introductory activities. You will receive more information about these activities after your application for enrolment. You will have to:
  • Write a letter of motivation in English
  • Meet for an introductory interview in English
Deze opleiding heeft verplichte kennismakingsactiviteiten. Ga naar de website om alle activiteiten te zien.
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Hbo - Creative Business
Hbo – Communication & Multimedia Design 
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  • Hbo - HEO Business school Commercial Economy
  • Hbo - HEO Business school Communication
  • Hbo - Wittenborg Business School, University of Applied Science [Apeldoorn, Nederland]
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Tuition / course fees:
  • Tuition, established by the Ministry of Education
  • For a current overview of the additional costs, please refer to the course-specific page on the website and open the ‘What will it cost’ tab 
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Determined tuition / course fees 
For this course you need to pay the legally determined tuition / course fees. Also take into account additional costs for learning materials and perhaps some extra’s.  

Learning materials 
For most courses, you will need books. A laptop can also be a specific requirement. 
Depending on your course, you might also need special software or clothing. During the introduction you will be informed about the materials you need. 

Indication costs learning materials 
Every year you will pay for the legally determined tuition / course fees. Please find below an indication of the costs for learning materials for the entire course. You will be informed of the exact costs at the introduction. 

MBO College Amstelland: € 786,- 
MBO College Hilversum: will follow later 

A laptop is mandatory. If you do not have one, you need to buy one. The costs of a laptop are not included in the above costs.   

Extra’s (not mandatory) 
During your education it is possible to attend additional master classes or excursions. Those are not mandatory. Yet they are recommended because they are very educational. 

We also believe it is important for you to buy your own learning materials. This makes it possible to practice after school hours.  

>> More information about tuition fees and costs 
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De student en beroepsbeeld
Derdejaarsstudenten International Business Services presenteren business idee
Kwaliteit & Kansen

Kwaliteit & Kansen

Meer informatie over de kwaliteit van deze opleiding en de aansluiting op de arbeidsmarkt vind je op de website Studie in Cijfers van Stichting Samenwerking Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven (SBB).
  • Voor deze opleiding zijn bij SBB geen gegevens bekend


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