International Hotelschool Amsterdam / Manager International Hospitality

Leidinggevende travel & hospitality - 25647

Important to know! Your classes are taught in English and in Dutch.

MBO College Centrum
Da Costastraat 91, Amsterdam
3 jr.
aug 2025
jan 2026
BOL 25647

Will this profession suit you?

Ready to embark on a worldwide adventure in hospitality and tourism? From hotels to restaurants, events to travel agencies, hospitality knows no bounds! Picture yourself thriving in this global atmosphere? Take the International Hotelschool Amsterdam / Manager International Hospitality course and turn your vision into reality. 

Dive into real-life projects and authentic environments to master theory and practical skills. Your journey starts here!  

What will the course be like?

International Hotelschool Amsterdam / Manager International Hospitality is a comprehensive three-year, full-time course that blends theory with practical internships. It encompasses both hotel and tourism, taking place in various companies and school settings. Instruction is conducted in English and Dutch, with Spanish as your second foreign language.  

The curriculum emphasizes practical learning with projects addressing real-life issues such as tourism and hotel management in Amsterdam. Training encompasses customer service, management, finance, marketing and sales, often with flexible schedules. Students gain international experience, focusing on intercultural skills. Eligible students over 18 can pursue internships abroad.  

Companies in hospitality do not have typical office or school hours. Therefore your schedule will sometimes also partly include weekends and evenings. This gives you freedom during other times. 

At school you work on projects addressing real-life issues. Like: how to spread the growing number of tourists in Amsterdam well over the metropolitan area? Your training includes customer service at the front office. For example:  
  • In a hotel 
  • In a restaurant  
  • In management 
  • In finance 
  • In marketing and sales  
You will experience an international environment from the start onwards. You will meet guests and co-workers from all over the world. That is why you also develop your international and intercultural skills in this program. 

Internship abroad 
Are you at least 18 years old at the time you start with an internship? Then you can go on an internship abroad if you meet the required criteria. For example you can go to Spain, Bali, Malta, Suriname or the USA.  

After completing this course, you will receive the Dutch diploma ‘Leidinggevende International Hospitality’ (level 4) of ‘Manager Ondernemer Horeca’ (level 4), depending on the modules you have followed. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to obtain a prestigious Cambridge certificate at a higher level, further enhancing your academic and professional prospects.  
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What will you learn?

  • Hotel and tourism industry insights 
  • Essential sector skills like customer service 
  • Management skills including coaching and entrepreneurship 
  • Intercultural competencies for diverse environments 
  • Marketing and sales strategies 
  • Communication skills  
  • English and Spanish languages

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Where will you be able to work?

  • Hotels  
  • Restaurants 
  • Travel agents 
  • Tour operators 
  • Tourist attractions
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Praktische informatie

Practical information

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You are always welcome to enroll in one of our intermediate vocational courses if you have completed your general secondary education. Your prior education determines the level you can enroll in. Some courses have additional requirements. If you do not have a pre-vocational secondary school diploma or a document issued by your higher general secondary school that shows that you have passed year 3, you will start your career as a student at our college in an entry course.

What are the admission requirements? 
  • A pre-vocational secondary school (preferably VMBO GL or TL) diploma or
  • A document that shows you have passed at least year 3 of either intermediate (HAVO) or pre-university (VWO) secondary school
  • In all cases, a pass mark for Dutch and preferably a pass mark 7 for English
If you previously obtained a non-Dutch degree, then we will need to evaluate your diploma. Please make sure to indicate this in your application. Furthermore, the course is a bi-lingual program, which means that your level of Dutch needs to be at least at 2F.

Introduction activities
This course requires you to participate in a compulsory interview in both English and Dutch regarding your motivation to apply. This interview will last 30-45 minutes, and it will also be an opportunity for you to receive further information. You will receive an invitation for the interview after your application has been submitted.
Deze opleiding heeft verplichte kennismakingsactiviteiten. Ga naar de website om alle activiteiten te zien.
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Continuing your education: hbo courses in hospitality, higher hotel education, higher tourist education, various (inter)national management courses
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What are the costs? Tuition, established by the Ministry of Education. For a current overview of the additional costs, please refer to the course-specific page on the website and open the ‘What will it cost’ tab 
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Apart from the legally determined tuition/course fees, you will have to take into account additional costs for learning materials and perhaps some extras.

Learning materials
For most courses, you will need books. A laptop might also be a specific requirement.
Depending on your course, you might also need special software or clothing. 

Extras that are not mandatory
All curriculums are designed to help you enter the labour market as well prepared as possible. This may mean that we organise field trips or master classes for which you will have to pay an additional charge. We also believe it is important for you to buy your own tools or devices so that you can practise after school hours.  
We keep the costs as low as possible without compromising quality. Any additional costs are determined in consultation with the student representative board. If the costs are a problem and you need help, there are several forms of financial support.  

» More information about tuition fees and costs

Please find below an indication of the costs for the entire course.

MBO College Centrum – indication of the additional costs € 580,-, laptop not required.

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Er zijn twee soorten mbo-opleidingen: BOL-opleidingen en BBL-opleidingen. 

BOL: school en stage(s) 
BOL betekent Beroeps Opleidende Leerweg. Als je een BOL-opleiding volgt, ga je de hele week naar school en loop je één of meerdere periodes stage. Het hangt af van je opleiding hoe vaak en wanneer je stage loopt.  

BBL: werken en leren 
BBL staat voor Beroeps Begeleidende Leerweg. Met een BBL-opleiding werk je bij een erkend leerbedrijf en ga je daarnaast één of twee dagen per week naar school. Je hebt dus een baan en leert vooral veel vanuit de praktijk.  

Voordat je start met de BBL-opleiding moet je al een werkplek (minimaal 24 uur per week) gevonden hebben. Zonder baan kun je niet starten met de opleiding.  

» Meer informatie over BOL en BBL 
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De student en beroepsbeeld
Kwaliteit & Kansen

Kwaliteit & Kansen

Meer informatie over de kwaliteit van deze opleiding en de aansluiting op de arbeidsmarkt vind je op de website Studie in Cijfers van Stichting Samenwerking Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven (SBB).
  • Voor deze opleiding zijn bij SBB geen gegevens bekend


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